A heating system is one of the most important appliances in every home. You depend on it to warm your home and keep your entire family comfortable whenever the outdoor temperatures drop. When your heating unit isn’t running properly, it’ll not only affect your home’s comfort, but it’ll also increase your household spending.
One of the ways you can know you have a high-efficiency heating unit is by its capacity to operate effectively while saving you money too. However, it’s quite challenging to determine whether your current system needs a replacement or repair. Here are some tell-tale signs you need to replace or upgrade your heating unit.
1. Uneven Temperatures
If you notice that some spaces in your home are unusually cooler than others, your heating system’s operation capabilities might be on the decline. You can also notice uneven heat distribution if your thermostat indicates a specific temperature, but some parts of your home don’t feel like they’re reaching it.
2. Performance Problems
If your home has an old and outdated heating system that’s not working properly, your residence might be experiencing some performance issues. These problems can make it more challenging to maintain even and comfortable temperatures in your home. It can also cause severe damages to the components or vital parts of your aged unit.
Generally, the harder your unit works, the more the internal parts will wear out, leading to more regular repairs. Nowadays, you can find newer heating units on the market designed to boost heat transfer and airflow. These systems also prevent leaks and corrosion, which extends the lifespan of your heating unit and all its components.
Newer and more advanced heating units produce less noise while running, and some can also self-regulate to operate at a controlled pace, which prevents extreme temperature changes in all parts of your home. Furthermore, upgrading your unit will help it run more effectively and efficiently while keeping your family comfortable.
3. Dry or Dusty Air
You need to assess the quality of air inside your home, especially if you discover there are drastic changes in humidity and high amounts of dust. These issues can be the result of an old and outdated heating unit. While regular maintenance can enhance the quality of air, replacing your heating unit is a more effective and lasting solution.
4. Increased Energy Bills
If your home has a heating system that is older than 15 years, you need to consider replacing it. An aging system can lead to constant and future underlying issues that might incur more costs in the long run. For instance, newer heating units have higher ratings when it comes to fuel utilization efficiency, and these ratings will determine how efficient your heating will be.
Upgrading your heating unit to an energy-efficient option will lower your energy costs and help you enjoy more stable and comfortable temperatures in your house. There are also various seasonal rebate options that you can get through energy companies and manufacturers. These options will not only save you some money upfront, but you will also save some more money on your energy bills once you replace the heating unit. New high-efficiency systems can reach high-efficiency ratings of 95, showing much lower heating costs.
5. Strange Noises
It’s normal to hear some unfamiliar noises originating from your basement. However, if you start hearing strange banging, clunking, or humming noises coming from your home’s heating unit, it might be a sign you need to upgrade the system.
6. Unpleasant Odors
Strange smells from your basement could also be another tell-tale sign to upgrade your heating unit. Unpleasant odors coming from your vents or AC/Heat system can be caused by various problems such as mildew and mold growth due to refrigerant leaks or excess moisture within the unit. Look for a professional to check the unit for any underlying issues to know if you need a system upgrade.
7. Regular AC/Heat Repairs
The other way to know if your heating system is working efficiently is by checking the unit’s recent servicing history. Too many system repairs within a short time, even some small things, may indicate your AC/Heat unit is worn out. If you realize that you’ve had a high number of system breakdowns and repairs in the recent past, then it’s a sign you need an upgrade. Investing in an energy-efficient unit will be more cost-effective in the long run than spending more money on frequent repairs.
8. Decreased Home Appeal
If you’re trying to sell your residential property in the real estate market, an old heating unit can hold you back for some time. Newer heating units are more appealing to prospective homebuyers because they assure them that their indoor comfort won’t be an issue.
According to experts, you might not recover the full cost of upgrading your heating system, but you should recover at least 71% of the cost. However, knowing that the new unit will increase the appeal of your home and assist you in pushing your sale forward will make you feel better.
9. Humidity Issues
If your residential property has humidity issues or the air is excessively dry, your ductwork or furnace might be the problem. A malfunctioning AC/Heat can leave your air too dry during winter and far too humid during the summer season. However, investing in a new heating unit can help minimize dry air, allowing you to breathe more easily. Furthermore, it can also help preserve some porous materials such as musical instruments, woodwork, or furniture.
10. Your Heating Unit Is More Than 10 Years Old
Even the best heating unit doesn’t function properly forever. The older a heating unit gets, the more problems it’s likely to experience, especially if you’ve not been keen on regular maintenance. The age of a heating system can be the leading cause of performance issues and high utility costs, and these problems will be more frequent as it ages.
Moreover, if your unit is more than 10 years old, repairing problems with it might become more costly as the replacement parts become more challenging to get. If the heating unit in your home is one or two decades old, the most effective solution is to get a replacement as soon as possible. New heating units are incredibly more energy efficient than one that’s more than 10 years old.
If your current heating unit shows any of the signs above, you need to contact Rite Way Heating, Cooling & Plumbing. Our specialists can come to your residence to assess your heating equipment to see if it needs a replacement. We’ll also discuss your heating needs and give you a free estimate on the best high-efficiency unit to suit your home.
Our company also offers other services such as cooling equipment installations, maintenance, and repair, water quality tests, energy audits, indoor air quality assessments, plumbing services, and much more. If you live in Tucson and the surrounding areas, you can contact us for all your heating needs, and we’ll be happy to serve you.