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5 Common Places Leaks Love to Hide

Do you apply an “out of sight, out of mind” mentality to your plumbing system? While it’s fine to think this way when everything is going smoothly, you shouldn’t ignore a problem if you suspect you’re dealing with one. For example, a plumbing water leak.

Even the smallest household water leak can waste gallons of water. Of course, it’s not always obvious that you’re dealing with this particular issue.

Some water leaks are hard to notice — they sneak around behind the scenes, causing damage and increasing the cost of your water bill. By the time you’ve identified and located the precise location of the leak, it could already be too late.

So, where do most water leaks occur? There are a few key locations you should be aware of. Let’s discuss five of the most common places leaks love to hide inside a home.

Beneath the Sink

Believe it or not, one of the most common places leaks love to hide is beneath kitchen and bathroom sinks.

These particular leaks can range in size and severity. If you want to address this type of problem before it has a chance to worsen, it’s a good idea to check beneath your sink regularly. Simply open the cabinet and use a flashlight to perform a quick visual inspection. Look for signs of dripping around the water line. Even the easiest preventative measures can help make a difference in terms of repair expenses and water bill costs.

Behind the Wall

It’s impossible not to mention walls when discussing common places leaks love to hide. Many water lines reside behind your walls; if one of these pipes develops a crack or becomes damaged through other means, you could have a major problem.

Since you can’t see the water pipes behind your walls without tearing them down, it’s easy for these leaks to go unnoticed. As a result, you can experience extensive water damage.

If you suspect you have a leak behind your walls, keep an eye out for wet spots or musty odors. These smells often indicate mold and mildew are growing somewhere inside your home — and should be addressed immediately. Mold and mildew can be harmful to your health, so it’s important to locate and remove them as soon as possible.

Inside the Toilet

Where do most water leaks occur regarding toilets? When it comes down to it, toilet leaks typically occur between the tank and the bowl. Fortunately, you can usually perform a test to see if this particular problem is happening.

Simply pour a few drops of food coloring into the toilet tank. Let the food coloring sit without flushing the toilet. After waiting a few hours, check to see if any of the coloring has traveled down into the bowl. If it has, you can feel confident that you have a leak.

You might also notice water leaks at the base of the toilet. In most cases, this issue is usually the result of the wax ring becoming worn. If you want to fix this leak, the good news is that you’ll likely only need to replace the wax ring.

Within Plumbing Fixtures

Where do most water leaks occur when it comes to your plumbing fixtures? All-in-all, you’ll want to check your faucets and showerheads for drip, drip, dripping. The parts inside these faucets and showerheads can wear out over time and may need to be replaced or repaired.

These slow leaks might seem like something you can brush aside — but you certainly shouldn’t ignore them. As we mentioned above, even the smallest leaks can waste a great deal of water.

Among Everyday Appliances

The appliances throughout your home see a lot of use on a daily basis. However, just because you use these appliances regularly doesn’t mean they’re immune to the occasional problem — or a random leak.

Washing machine and hot water heater leaks are some of the most common among everyday appliances. For instance, your washing machine may spring a leak if the drain hose hasn’t been secured to the drainpipe.

Additionally, water heaters are more likely to experience leaks as they get older in age. The older your water heater gets, the more prone it becomes to corrosion and cracks. If the damage is extensive, the best course of action is most likely going to be a water heater replacement in Tucson, AZ.

Where do most water leaks occur regarding water heaters? They can occur at the bottom or top of the tank, depending on the type of problem you’re dealing with. For example, leaks at the bottom of the tank are typically caused by a loose drain valve.

How Do You Find a Hidden Water Leak?

Since there are many common places leaks love to hide, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by all of the possibilities. Fortunately, there are ways to detect and locate these leaks in a quick and effective manner.

If you suspect you’re dealing with a leak, keep an eye out for an increase in your water bills and a change in water pressure. These are usually some of the first signs that you’re dealing with a plumbing-related problem.

Once you feel confident that you have a leak, it’s an excellent idea to check the water meter. This meter is typically found where the main water supply line enters your home. First, completely shut off the water inside your home. Once you’ve done this, write down the reading on the water meter. Wait a few hours, then check the meter to see if the reading has changed. If you notice a change, then you have a leak.

There are also many leak detection methods to try, but you may need to run to your local home improvement store. There are various devices, such as infrared cameras, that help you easily locate leaks behind walls.

Avoid Costly Water Damage — Call Us Today!

Hidden leaks can be frustrating, but you don’t have to tackle them all by yourself. The professional team at Rite Way Heating, Cooling & Plumbing is here to help. We offer a wide range of services, including repairs and replacements, to ensure that the plumbing system inside your home is as safe and secure as possible. 

Contact our plumbers in Sierra Vista, AZ and the surrounding areas for more information about our services!